Maybe you’ve noticed that there’s a lot of buzz these days about computer-based training programs for email security awareness. And you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. Doesn’t your email gateway security keep you safe enough? I mean, sure—we all know that teaching folks how to spot and avoid malicious email is a good thing. But do you really need to invest in an automated, cloud-delivered, constantly-updated, computer-based training system? Well, yes. You do. Security awareness CBT is now a critically important part of your complete email security strategy.


Threats are evolving

Today’s phishing attacks are super- sophisticated. They can blow right by most traditional gateway scanning technology and get into your users’ inboxes undetected.  


Phishing attacks are smarter

Whether it’s business email compromise, impersonation, account takeover, or some other social-engineering scheme, these attacks are carefully targeted and crafted to trick even your smartest and most loyal employees into making huge, costly mistakes.


CBT creates a last line of defence

Unlike the hit-and-miss results of well-meaning homegrown approaches, a well-designed CBT program for email security awareness delivers concrete, measurable results, transforming your employees from a security risk into a critical last line of defense against dangerous phishing attacks.


CBT stays relevant

When CBT is done right, templates for simulated attacks are frequently updated to keep training relevant and help build awareness about the latest trending threat modalities.


CBT completes your email security strategy

Your email security is only as good as its weakest link. As long as your employees and other users are vulnerable to phishing attacks, your strategy is incomplete. Today, a comprehensive security strategy for email must include computer-based security awareness training.
Get the whole story on why security awareness CBT is becoming an indispensable email security component. Visit to request your complimentary copy of the Gartner MQ report, and see how Barracuda earned a spot in the Visionary quadrant.